On June 3rd, Thursday, Lenovo launched two of its latest models, the ThinkBook 13x and the ThinkBook Plus 2 in China. The stylish and refined models have a sophisticated design and come with several innovative features. It can empower people who have a flexible workspace and enhance their experience. Instead of the H-series of processors, these ThinkBooks have Intel Core processors of the 11th generation. The models have displays with a thin border around the screen known as bezels. These models both have the same display size of 13.3 inches with a resolution of 2.5K. ThinkBook Plus 2 is different from the other model in appearance due to having an E Ink display that you can find on top of its lid. Both these products run on the Windows 10 Home operating system. Let’s know more about these two models from Lenovo.
The ThinkBook 13x comes in two color options of silver and dark grey. It looks like a conventional laptop but with the option to open the display around 180 degrees using the hinges. The ThinkBook Plus 2 model comes in just dark grey color.
As mentioned earlier, the ThinkBook 13x runs on Windows 10 Home operating system. The display os 13.3 inch with 2.5K resolution (2,560 pixels X 1,600 pixels). It has a peak brightness of 400 nits and the LED-backlit display has an aspect ratio of 16:10. This product comes with Dolby Vision support along with 100% sRGB coverage. It runs on the Intel Core i7 11th Generation processor with integrated graphics. Users can make use of the 16 GB DDR4 RAM that clocks at 4, 266 MHZ. Also, users have access to storage of 512 GB SSD. The connectivity options provided by the ThinkBook 13x include a 3.5mm headphone jack, two Thunderbolt 4 ports, Bluetooth v5, and Wi-Fi6. The laptop weighs 1.13kg and is 12.9mm thick. You get a 53Whr battery along with a 5W adapter. For security, it has a fingerprint scanner.
The core specification of this model remains the same as ThinkBook 13x. But, it has additional features too like the E ink display on top of the 12-inch display. Using this feature, you can read and use it for note-taking. Using this display, it becomes possible to run certain Windows apps. The ThinkBook Plus 2 weighs 1.16 kg and has a thickness of 13.9 mm.
In the Chinese market, the Lenovo Think 13x with Intel core i5 configuration of 11th generation costs around 7000 CNY (approximately INR 80,000) while the i7 configuration of the same costs around 7, 800 CNY (approximately INR 89,200). ThinkBook plus 2 has a price of 9,400 CNY (roughly INR 1, 07,000) for the i5 model while the i7 model costs around 10,400 CNY (approximately INR 1, 18,000).
These models of ThinkBook models have a sophisticated design with several features for enhanced user experience. With businesses facing a tough situation, Lenovo offers users products that can equip with sophisticated technology to overcome any tough situations.
On June 3rd, Thursday, Lenovo launched two of its latest models, the ThinkBook 13x and the ThinkBook Plus 2 in China. The stylish and refined models have a sophisticated design and come with several innovative...