It will come as no surprise that Huawei has switched from Android tablets to its in-house operating system. Recently, Huawei made a big announcement including introducing a plethora of hardware and software along with the official launch of three MatePad devices running on its HarmonyOS. Users became excited as Huawei introduced two MatePad Pro models with one of them the 12.6-inch version set to go against the iPad Pro line from Apple and Tab S-series from Samsung Galaxy. The smaller MatePad Pro is the first device running on Snapdragon 870 chipset from Qualcomm while MatePad 11 is the affordable option introduced for college students. Let’s know more details of the three products.
MatePad Pro 12.6 runs on HarmonyOS 2.0 with a 12.6 inch OLED screen with 2560 pixel X 1600 pixel resolution. It also has multi-task changes friendlier for the users. The home screen offers a desktop-like experience as the apps have separate widgets and dock. It has a standard refresh rate of 60HZ. This device comes with a triple rear camera. It includes the following
Also, you have access to an f/2.0 lens camera of eight megapixels.
It is powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 870 with a 10.8-inch display (2,560 pixels X 1,600 pixels). It comes with an f/1.8 lens with a thirteen-megapixel sensor on the back. It has an f/2.0 lens with eight megapixels for its front camera.
The non-Pro MatePad comes with a 10.95 inch LCD panel for display. It comes with a resolution of 2560 X 1600 pixels. It refreshes at 120 Hz. The device has a slim built that weighs only 609 grams. The device has a quad-speaker tuned by Harman Kardon. It also comes with Histen7.0 Audio support. You can access it in different colors such as green vegan leather, silver, and grey.
The MatePad 12.6 has two storage configurations. The price of the 8GB variant with 128 GB storage volume comes around to 5,000 CNY (INR 57,000 approx.) while the 256GB storage model comes to around 5,500 CNY (INR 63,000 approx.). You can access the 10.8 version of 8GB plus 126 GB storage at 3,800 CNY (approximately 43,500 INR) while the 256 GB storage is available at 4300 CNY (approximately 49,000 INR).
The MatePad 11 launched in Europe has a price of EUR 400 (approximately INR 35,500) for the 6GB plus 64 GB variants while the 128 GB storage variant has a price of 500 EUR (approximately INR 44,500). You can access the product in Matte Gray color option.
At the 2nd June launch event to unveil HarmonyOS, Huawei announced its three new MatePad models. But, it has not confirmed the sale dates of the devices worldwide. But, customers in China have received a June 10 launch date. So, pre-orders have opened. But, its preorders have not opened in other countries. If we go by the release of Huawei MatePad Pro that got released in China in December 2019 but arrived in other countries only by May, people have to wait for some time to get the devices.
It will come as no surprise that Huawei has switched from Android tablets to its in-house operating system. Recently, Huawei made a big announcement including introducing a plethora of hardware and software along with the...