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Kubernetes – Kubernetes – next Generation tool for serverless computing and application packaging

Each month, there is a new introduction of buzzwords in the technology world and some are innovative technologies promoting the applications of performance, while some products are redefined as they are made. Though some give undue importance and overhype on new introductions, they slowly fade to the netherworld.


Kubernetes is an orchestration system that is an open-source container for automating deployments managing and scaling containerized applications.


How is Microsoft shifting to Open Source its Focus emerged surprisingly, but now it is accepted that Azure embraces open source and lives it. You may combine the open source and its production dedication with people having a passion for developers.


Kubernetes-next Generation tool for server less computing and application packaging

Azure supports containers, microservices, and serverless technologies.


  • Containers: Docker is the popular container technology, defining containers as a “standardized software unit.”
  • Microservices is a new platform presenting an architectural style and technology.
  • Serverless: Considering technical perspective, serverless informs that there is no need to worry and this includes the underlying infrastructure, such as understanding the machine sizes required, the way to scale infrastructure, and the nodes in a cluster.


Considering the perspective of a developer there will be serverless adds as an event-driven programming model.


Microservices and the Serverless Journey


The microservices architectural style was put by the newborn cloud companies such as Netflix a few years ago.


Initially, microservices-based applications performed on bare metal machines clusters. With microservices getting packaged in container images, the orchestrators began playing an important role. There are many choices, but Kubernetes today is the most popular choice in serverless computing and application packaging.


Orchestrators added a variable as development and operations teams need.  The environment management part is much better as every cloud vendor provides now “orchestrators” as a service. For instance, Azure, offers Kubernetes Service (AKS) as fully managed or even a microservices fully-managed platform, Azure Service Fabric.


However, with any cloud provider, Kubernetes “managed” or managed (Platform as a Service) PaaS services means the setup and runtime service part is managed.


Azure will handle the cluster set up, updating to new versions of Kubernetes and applying for you the security patches. From the perspective of a developer, you must understand the working system of Kubernetes if you wish to build microservices applications above it.


For instance, a Kubernetes service does not represent within a container the service code; it just offers an endpoint to it, such that the code within the container can be accessed through one endpoint.


Now moving to microservices from the monolithic applications means new three hurdles is introduced to developers such as:


  • Developers must comprehend the distributed computing patterns
  • Developers must comprehend how to work and build with containers and container images
  • Developers must comprehend how orchestrators work and its basics


Microservices and Serverless


As mentioned earlier, understanding the fact that serverless and microservices are not the same is important. One can develop and design microservices based applications and perform on the serverless infrastructure. However, the crucial component is service discovery, networking, eventing and routing services to be established and this is taken care of by Azure.


Bottom line is that very soon customers will be pushed for serverless as the modern cloud-native application development. Right now, Azure offers serverless workloads, but with new technologies namely, Virtual Kubelet the microservices-based applications will get enabled on serverless infrastructure to develop as mainstream.

Kubernetes – Kubernetes – next Generation tool for serverless computing and application packaging

Front Line:

Each month, there is a new introduction of buzzwords in the technology world and some are innovative technologies promoting the applications of performance, while some products are redefined as they are made. Though some give...